

Vapers.guru: Ein globaler Skandal: Öffentliche Gesundheit wird unterdrückt!


Das Rauch zu Dampf Team: #Vaperscom 2021 – Das Rauch zu Dampf Team auf der VapersCom in Dortmund!

Dampfers Diary: #VapersCom 2021 – Meine Eindrücke von der Dampfermesse in Dortmund

Steambrothers. TV: Steambrothers & Friends LIVE #58 Heute: Rückblick von der Vaperscom 2021 aus Dortmund

Smokewolke’s Bastelecke: Smokewolke wird wieder aktiv

D4MPFER: Livestream


Sumikai.com: Tabakhersteller in Japan fordern mehr Steuern auf Zigaretten


CliveBates.com: Prohibitionists at work: how the WHO damages public health through hostility to tobacco harm reduction

RegulatorWatch.com: Tom Gleeson | Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction | RegWatch

RegulatorWatch.com: David Mackintosh | Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction | RegWatch

RegulatorWatch.com: Will Godfrey | Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction | RegWatch

RegulatorWatch.com: Grzegorz Król | Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction | RegWatch

RegulatorWatch.com: Ethan Nadelmann | Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction | RegWatch

RegulatorWatch.com: Mark Oates | Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction | RegWatch

RegulatorWatch.com: Norbert Schmidt | Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction | RegWatch

RegulatorWatch.com: Roman Ruins | Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction | RegWatch

Express.co.uk: Secretive WHO is ignoring the science on vaping – COMMENT