

Mr.Würzig: DAFÜR SCHÄME ICH MICH NOCH HEUTE | Dampf YouTube sein Vater | Podcast (Folge

Dampf Wolke: ♛ Caliburn A3 by UWELL ♛


Vapers-Insight.de: Dampfen in anderen Ländern: Thailand


Presseportal.de: HZA-DO: Zoll kontrolliert Kioske – Zahlreiche Verstöße aufgedeckt (HZA-Dortmund)

Presseportal.de: Geekvape hat ein technisches Online-Seminar abgehalten, um die in der E-Zigarette verwendeten Technologien zu erkunden (Geekvape)

KulturNews.de: Zigarette Out – Vaping In: Hollywood machts vor

NDR.de: Vapes: Bedenklicher Hype (Markt)


VapingPost.com: RJ Reynolds Sues Over California Flavored Tobacco Ban

VapingPost.com: Japan’s Tobacco Harm Reduction Efforts Are Working

VapingPost.com: A South London Council Will be Handing Out Free Vapes to Pregnant Women

Planet of the Vapes: INNCO is outraged!

Planet of the Vapes: Coolfire Z60 Kit Wins Major Awards

Vaping360.com: PMI Gains Control of Swedish Match, Enters U.S. Market

Christopher Snowdon: Last Orders with Nick Gillespie

NewsTrends.co.ke: Does Africa’s Cessation Support Hinge on Oral Nicotine Products?

Medium.com: The Half-Truth Initiative

Independent.ie: New laws to ban sale of vaping products to under-18s

CoEHAR.org: New frontiers in the care of people with schizophrenia: low-risk products are a valid substitute for smoking

FilterMag.org: Fundamental Flaws of Tobacco Control Act—and FDA’s Implementation

ITV.com: Over 1.3 million disposable vapes a week are ending up in landfill or incineration

eCigClick.co.uk: UK News Media Mainly Negative About Vaping – 6 Month Study Results!