

Dampfdruck-Presse.hu: Inkompatibilität included


VdeH: Royal College of Physicians kritisiert ablehnende Haltung zur E-Zigarette unter Lungenfachärzten


Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Rauchverbot für künftige Generationen in Großbritannien


VapingPost.com: The Relationship Between Vaping and Fertility Issues in Males. Is there one?

Planet of the Vapes: Cutting Through the Smoke

Planet of the Vapes: Parliament

Vaping360.com: How Will UK “Smokefree Generation” Law Affect Vapers?

Christopher Snowdon: The beginning of the end for legal tobacco

CAPX.co: Banning disposable vapes is a gift for black market criminals

Forbes.com: Teens Who Vape Want To Quit. They Just Don’t Know How



Dampf Wolke: ♛ Wenax S3 by Geek Vape ♛

Fog Maker Finti: Valor MTL RTA by Cthulhu Mods | Info Review

DampferZimmer: Millenium GC vom The Vaping Gentlemen Club ein Fertigteil Verdampfer


VapingPost.com: US Lawmakers Push Against THR Strategies Despite The Data in Their Favour

Planet of the Vapes: UKVIA Launching New Sustainability Approach

Planet of the Vapes: Smoore Wins the Golden Leaf Award for the Vaporesso COSS

ColinMendelsohn.com.au: Response to Emeritus Professor Simon Chapman AO, “Two parallel universes for Big Tobacco”

FilterMag.org: American Lung Association Seeks to Suppress Harm Reduction Information

RCPJournals.org: Do respiratory physicians not care about people who smoke?



VapingPost.com: Study Indicating Health Improvements When Quitting Smoking Released For Stoptober

Planet of the Vapes: Disposables Paper Welcomed

Planet of the Vapes: Hungary Ignores Science

Vaping360.com: Study: Flavored Vape Bans Increase Cigarette Sales

LancashireTelegraph.co.uk: Blackburn with Darwen Council clamps down on illegal vape sales

TheGuardian.com: ‘Predatory’ shops are selling lollies and vapes to children across Australia, with no date set for import ban



D4MPFER: Livestream

Dampf Wolke: ♛ Oneo Pod Kit by OXVA ♛

Dampf Wolke: Irgendwas mit Watte und Draht #10

Ich rauche nicht: Meson AIO von Steam Crave Review

Smokewolke’s Bastelecke: Live


NZZ.ch: Philip Morris will auch ohne Zigaretten am Nikotingenuss verdienen


Planet of the Vapes: Innokin Launches “Smoke-free 2023” Campaign in Support of Stoptober

AAP.com.au: Calls mount for national solution to toxic vape waste