

Egarage.de: Positionsbestimmung: MdB Dr. Hocker und die E-Zigarette


Der Dampfer Talk: Stammtisch

Fog Maker Finti: AMP BB Mod von BP Mods | Boro Mod 2000mAh | Info Review


Wochenblitz.com: Die meisten Eltern sind für ein Rauchverbot: Studie [TH]


VapingPost.com: FEELM and OS Vape Make a Joint Debut at Dortmund, Setting a New 800+ Puff Standard for Germany’s Disposable Market

VapingPost.com: The American Lung Association Pressures the FDA to Misinform The Public About Vaping

Planet of the Vapes: Hayes Introduces Anti-Vape Bill

Planet of the Vapes: UKVIA Responds to Material Focus Research

Vaping360.com: Press Release: FEELM and OS Vape Make a Joint Debut at Dortmund, Setting a New 800+ Puff Standard for Germany’s Disposable Market

Pharmaceutical-Journal.com: E-cigarettes associated with greatest chance of smoking cessation, suggests Cochrane review



Egarage.de: Mehr ist mehr


Ich rauche nicht: KI/AI und Vaping – was meint der Computer zum Thema “E-Zigaretten” // Chat GPT // Genie – AI Chatbot


Vapers-Insight.de: VDEH Faktenreport 2023/24


VdeH: Aktuelle Marktdaten der E-Zigarettenbranche


Spiegel.de: Absatz von E-Zigaretten wächst in Deutschland um 40 Prozent

Stern.de: England sagt Rauchern den Kampf an: “Bis niemand mehr ein Tabakprodukt kaufen kann”

Tagesschau.de: Wieder etwas mehr Zigaretten verkauft


VapingPost.com: Dura 9000 Officially Released: Puff That’s Vast, Vape That Lasts

VapingPost.com: Five Million Disposable Vapes Are Discarded Per Week in The UK, Reveals Latest Research

Planet of the Vapes: UKVIA Responds to Ban Rumour

Planet of the Vapes: ONS Updates Smoking and Vaping Knowledge

Vaping360.com: FDA “Youth-Appealing” Warnings Include Basic Kanger Vape Pen

MirageNews.com: New Vaping Regulations Miss the Mark on Addressing Core Issues

EuroNews.com: Vaping crackdown: Which countries are trying to ban single-use vapes amid rising health concerns?

ManilaTimes.net: Tobacco ban ignored near PH schools – study




Dampfolé: Diese VAPE lässt sich komplett ZERLEGEN!😳 OLIT LENS | Modularer Aufbau 💨


Vapers-Insight.de: Neuseelands Neuregelung zum Dampfen


Stern.de: Zigarette 2.0 – rauchfreie Alternativen sollen Tabakbranche retten

Merkur.de: Radikale Vorschläge in Englands Anti-Kippen-Kampf

MedOnline.at: (K)Ein Platz für Harm Reduction

Anwalt.de: Steuerhinterziehung bei Kauf von E-Zigaretten-Liquid?


Planet of the Vapes: Responses to the Disposable Ban

Planet of the Vapes: LGA In Fantasy Land

ColinMendelsohn.com.au: FACT CHECK. Is the Health Minister telling porkies … again?

Christopher Snowdon: Well, that’s the end of very low nicotine cigarettes

FirstIndia.co.in: Panama’s e-cig ban unconstitutional and violates health rights, claims lawsuit

Cochrane.org: How effective are medications and e-cigarettes for quitting smoking, and what works best?



JD Vapes: Die Post war da #369


Vapers-Insight.de: England verbietet Disposables


VapingPost.com: VAPORESSO to Showcase Latest ARMOUR Series at Intertabac 2023 in Germany

VapingPost.com: UK Survey Indicates Once Again That Adult Smoking Rates Are At a Record Low

Planet of the Vapes: POTV INVESTIGATES

Planet of the Vapes: The Death of Disposables

Planet of the Vapes: VAPORESSO to Showcase Latest ARMOUR Series at Intertabac 2023 in Germany

Vaping360.com: British Government Could Ban Disposable Vapes Soon

CliveBates.com: Is tobacco control the new Big Tobacco?

TheGuardian.com: Ministers set to ban single-use vapes in UK over child addiction fears

ABC.net.au: Vape blitz leads to seizure of thousands of illegal e-cigarettes containing nicotine in SA