

Ich rauche nicht: Kiwi 2 Review – incl. english subtitle

JD Vapes: FRESOR SLIM Pod System wieder Befüllen / TUTORIAL


T-Online.de: Rauchentwöhnung: Diese Methode empfehlen Experten

Quotenmeter.de: Filmreif dampfen – E-Zigarette in Filmen und Serien

Radio.cz: Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinie: Aus für Aroma-Tabak auch in Tschechien


VapingPost.com: A Flavour Ban on Heated Tobacco Products has Gone Into Effect Across the European Union

Planet of the Vapes: Governments Need To Recognise Potential

Planet of the Vapes: All Set for Awards Dinner

JournalNow.com: Vuse remains top US e-cigarette, but synthetic nicotine chipping away

TobaccoReporter.com: WHO Urged to Follow Sweden’s Example

GFN.tv: GFN News #72 | WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM A SMOKE-FREE SWEDEN | Featuring Carissa Düring



JD Vapes: FRESOR Cola Ice & Watermelon Ice & Mango Ice REVIEW

Steamshots TV: Bang Juice BOMBBASTIC Liquids


Berlin-Kurier.de: Glücklich ohne Glimmstängel: So kommen Sie vom Rauchen los!


VapingPost.com: HEXA Reinvigorates Belgium’s No.1 Category, Transforms the European Disposable Market with FEELM Max

VapingPost.com: FEELM’s Commitment as Demonstrated by Rex Zhang at ‘A Research and Innovation Update on NGPs’ Panel

Planet of the Vapes: Vapers To Pay More In Latvia

Planet of the Vapes: KAC Scholarship Seeks Tomorrow’s Leaders

ColinMendelsohn.com: A comprehensive review of the evidence on nicotine vaping. New report

MoroccoWorldNews.com: Morocco to Hike Import Duties on E-Cigarettes

Expats.cz: Czech ban on flavored e-cigarettes goes into effect from Monday, Oct. 23

BankokPost.com: Are vape laws vapid?

SentinelColorado.com: Communities can’t recycle or trash disposable e-cigarettes. So what happens to them?