

Presseportal.de: Fachtagung “Tobacco Harm Reduction – Innovative Rauchentwöhnungsstrategien” zieht düstere Bilanz zur Tabakprävention in Deutschland und zeigt alternative Ansätze (ISFF)


VdeH.de: Kein Gateway-Effekt: E-Zigaretten begünstigen nicht den Einstieg in das Rauchen


VapingPost.com: Is The European Commission Playing Dirty to Push its Nicotine Pouches’ Ban Agenda?

Planet of the Vapes: ANDS Wins Coveted Award

Planet of the Vapes: WHO Told To Modernise Strategy

Vaping360.com: NJOY/Altria Asks Court to Stop Sales of Popular Disposable Vapes

TheFinancialExpress.com.bd: Banning electronic cigarette



Egarage.de: Warten auf die EU-Kommission


Steamshots TV: Vaporesso LUXE X Pro

DampfPlauderer TV: Vaper Friends #249,314157


Dampfdruck-Presse.hu: Wasser fließt bergauf


VapingPost.com: New Global Vape Alliance Focuses on Cooperation Within The Industry Worldwide

Planet of the Vapes: UKVIA’s Sustainable Vaping Week

Planet of the Vapes: New GSTHR Briefing Paper on COP10

Vaping360.com: R.J. Reynolds Asks ITC to Ban Disposable Vape Imports



Dampfolé: UWELL CALIBURN EXPLORER 🚀 Dual Coil Pod System lädt zum EXPERIMENTIEREN ein❗️


Handelsblatt.com: Vor EU-Verbot – Zigarettenhersteller setzen auf Tee statt Tabak

Presseportal.de: Unversteuerte Tabakwaren und selbst angemischter Shisha Tabak sichergestellt (HZA-S)


VapingPost.com: UK Prime Minister Announces Plans for a Generational Tobacco Ban

Planet of the Vapes: UKVIA and ACS Respond to Government Plan

Planet of the Vapes: The IBVTA Welcomes The Government Consultation

JournalNow.com: BAT debuts herbal-flavored nicotine heated cigarette in EU

NHJournal.com: Bans And High Taxes Fuel Black Markets For Tobacco & Vape Products

GFN.tv: #GFN23 | GFN Voices with David Burns & Karen

FilterMag.org: Watch: Stigma Hampers Recruitment for Nicotine Research



Dampf Wolke: ♛ Jackaroo 18650 Pod Kit by Vandy Vape ♛


VapingPost.com: Dr. Mendelsohn Responds to Accusations by Australian Vaping Policy Influencer

Planet of the Vapes: NNA Warns of Government Threats to Consumers

Planet of the Vapes: Asia Harm Reduction Forum 2023

Vaping360.com: EU: Anti-Vaping Bureaucrats Plot to Bypass Democracy

CliveBates.com: EU bureaucrats plotting to use WHO treaty to sideline European Parliament on tobacco harm reduction

ColinMendelsohn.com: Australian public overwhelmingly supports licensed retail sales of vaping products

Bloomberg.com: Pot Vape Is as Big as Nicotine Vape — But Without Regulation

DutchNews.nl: Dutch wait for EU tax on e-cigarettes plan, despite health fears