

Fog Maker Finti: Vaporesso XROS 3 Pod Kit | Info Review


DampfFreiheit: [UK] ASH UK – Auseinandersetzung mit gängigen Fehlinformationen über das Dampfen


stol.it: Kokain in E-Zigaretten versteckt: 2 Männer in Bozen festgenommen [IT]


VapingPost.com: VAPORESSO Kicks Off 8th Anniversary Celebrations, Marks Milestone of Innovation and Dreams Pursuing

VapingPost.com: About Venezuela’s Drastic Ban on E-Cigarettes

Planet of the Vapes: VAPORESSO Kicks Off 8th Anniversary Celebrations

Planet of the Vapes: UKVIA Welcomes Brunel’s Study

Planet of the Vapes: EU Flavour Restrictions Fails To Protect Youth

Vaping360.com: Press Release: VAPORESSO Kicks Off 8th Anniversary Celebrations, Marks Milestone of Innovation and Pursuing Dreams

COPWatch.info: More trouble in little Panama

TheCritic.co.uk: Vapegoating e-cigarettes



DampferZimmer: Cthulhu AIO Delrin

Dampf Wolke: ♛ SITH RDA by Vaperz Cloud ♛


Christopher Snowdon: Vaping misinformation

FilterMag.org: Surge in Adult Vaping Underlines Our Harm Reduction Priorities

Vapouround.co.uk: Amplifying Advocate Voices: Exclusive interview with GrimmGreen

TheGuardian.com: Quarter of submissions from vape users to Australian inquiry parrot text from tobacco industry campaign

smh.com.au: Advertisers beef up code to stop ads promoting vapes to kids



Egarage.de: Liquid-Schwarzmarkt rückt in den Fokus


Dampf Wolke: ♛ Arcfire by INNOKIN ♛

Fog Maker Finti: Lost Vape Ursa Nano Pro | Update zum Review | Neue Farben | MTL – RDL Version #lostvape

Tony Vapes: die BESTE VAPE 2023?!😯 || Pagee Air Pod Kit 1000mAh by Nevoks

Steamshots TV: SvoeMesto Kayfun BB


Vapers-Insight.de: Bringen Aromenverbote etwas?

Dampfdruck-Presse.hu: Kleiner Rückzieher


Blick.ch: Ständeratskommission will Tabakwerbeverbot abschwächen


VapingPost.com: The NHS Would Save Millions Yearly if Half of UK Smokers Switched to Vapes

Planet of the Vapes: Vaping Could Save NHS £500m

Planet of the Vapes: Excessive Regulation in Hungary

FilterMag.org: Surge in Adult Vaping Underlines Our Harm Reduction Priorities

MedicalXpress.com: Many adults who smoke cigarettes wrongly think that vaping is worse for them, say researcher, FDA director

ScienceNorway.no: Researchers fear a ban on e-cigarettes could hinder people from quitting smoking



Bernd Mayer: Dampfen statt Rauchen Teil 32: Einweg E Zigaretten

Fog Maker Finti: Lost Vape Ursa Nano air | Leichtes Pod Kit | Info Review


Vapers-Insight.de: Das liebe Werbeverbot


BVRA: Stellungnahmen zur Gleichstellung der E-Zigarette


VapingPost.com: Australian Health Minister Seems Set on Setting Even Harsher Vape Bans

Planet of the Vapes: Swap To Stop Research

Planet of the Vapes: Branding and Promotion Under Attack

Vaping360.com: FDA Tobacco Official Will Be New Truth Initiative CEO

Vapouround.co.uk: The ‘Greatest Smoker of All Time’ Kate Moss, is Spotted Vaping

1828.org.uk: The government is right to be concerned about youth vaping, but it mustn’t overreach

TheGuardian.com: Australia’s vaping crackdown to be enforced with new laws

Politico.eu: Teen vaping: Did the EU get it wrong on e-cigarettes?