

Dampf Wolke: ♛ Kayfun BB by Svoe Mesto ♛

Smokewolke’s Bastelecke: LUXE X pro by Vaporesso

Der Dampfer Talk: Stammtisch


DampfFreiheit: [DE] Teil 1 – Deutsche Tabakkontrolle weiter im Anti-E-Dampf-Modus

DampfFreiheit: [DE] Teil 2 – Tabakkontrolle Bericht – Kernaussagen widerlegt

DampfFreiheit: [UK] Fehlinformation zum Dampfen führt zu mehr Leid bei Rauchern


AerzteBlatt.de: Venezuela verbietet E-Zigaretten


VapingPost.com: Canada’s Quebec Has Just Banned Vape Flavours. But do Such Bans Work?

Planet of the Vapes: Forum To Focus On a World Without Smoking

Planet of the Vapes: Parliament

RegulatorWatch.com: Natural Fit | BAT Talks Switching Smokers to Vapes | RegWatch

FilterMag.org: “Alarmingly High” Number of US Doctors Think Nicotine Causes Cancer

SBS.com.au: Opinion divided over whether government vape regulations will minimise harm

ABC.net.au: How can Victorian schools stop students vaping on campus?



Dampf Wolke: ♛ Stubby AIO by Suicide Mods ♛

Fog Maker Finti: Hilfe mein Podsystem feuert von alleine #fogmakerfinti #podfeuertvonselbst #zugautomatikdefekt


VapingPost.com: British Smokers Are Buying Into The Anti-Vape Rhetoric and Growing Distrustful of Vapes

Planet of the Vapes: The Healthy Truth is Free

Planet of the Vapes: Dawkins’ Flavour Research

Vaping360.com: Federal Lawsuit Challenges Arkansas Delta 8 Ban

YourLocalGuardian.co.uk: ‘More than 40% of smokers think vaping is more harmful than cigarettes’

TheSun.co.uk: STUB IT OUT Vaping fears are stopping smokers from quitting, campaigners warn

News-Medical.net: Doctors sound alarm about child nicotine poisoning as vapes flood the US market

TheConversation.com: South Africa’s new vaping tax won’t deter young smokers



Egarage.de: Blienert und die WHO


Dampfdruck-Presse.hu: UK: Stadträte von Manchester unterstützen Forderungen nach einem Verbot von Einweg E-Zigaretten aufgrund der Umweltauswirkungen


Presseportal.de: Polizei und Jugendamt ziehen Bilanz nach Testkäufen von E-Zigaretten

Nau.ch: Wegen Krebs: Kanada will Warnung direkt auf Zigaretten drucken


Planet of the Vapes: Totally Wicked Sponsorship Rebuke

Planet of the Vapes: House of Lords

CTVNews.ca: Quebec to ban flavoured vaping products on Oct. 31



Dampf Wolke: ♛ Pagee Air by Nevoks ♛


VdeH: Bis zum Jahr 2060 können Berechnungen zufolge 300.000 Todesfälle in Deutschland verhindert werden


FR.de: Auch weniger rauchen hilft


VapingPost.com: VAPORESSO Wins Big at London Design Awards 2023 with Four Innovative Vaping Products

VapingPost.com: Public Health Journal to Retract Vape Study For Questions Which Were Actually Addressed

Planet of the Vapes: The Grocer Predicts a Ban

Planet of the Vapes: Challenging the NZ Government

Michael Siegel: University of Maryland Doctor Tells Public He’s Not Sure Smoking is Any More Hazardous than Vaping

MedicalXpress.com: E-cigarettes may be better than nicotine patches to help pregnant women stop smoking, reduce the risk of low birthweight



Steamshots TV: Uwell Caliburn AZ3 & GZ2

Fog Maker Finti: Finti testet Dicodes Dani SBS 18350 Qi #fogmakerfinti #dicodes #danisbsqi #danisbs #akkuträger


Stol.it: WHO berichtet von Fortschritten im Kampf gegen das Rauchen


VapingPost.com: Industry leaders convened to discuss the future of e-cigarettes in Indonesia

VapingPost.com: BAT Strives to be Considered Sustainable And Joins The “Business for Nature’s Call”

Planet of the Vapes: UKVIA Questions Scottish Government

Planet of the Vapes: Parliament

Planet of the Vapes: VAPORESSO Wins Big at London Design Awards 2023 with Four Innovative Vaping Products