Dampfer Magazin: “Nitecore SC4”
DampfKraft: “Coil Master Elfy RTA ♦ Pro Cotton”
SteamTeam: “Steamteam #224”
cloudcatcher: “Slider HELLFIRE TANK ?| Auslosung Giveaway”
Dampfgedöns: “DON DIRE #DONtober | Eliquid Cartel”
Vanderzarth: “eDampfen/eRauchen für Anfänger 2a: Selbstwickelverdampfer”
Dampfer Girl: “Master Blend Aromen aus Malaysia ? Starke Früchte mit Koolada | Shake and Vape | Liquid Test”
VapingApes: “ILLUSIONS + The Prophet”
Steamshots TV: “Slushy Queen *New* Bangkok Bandit by PJ Empire & Kapka´s”
Tony Vapes: “Neues Auto IZZ da | ZEUS RTA | Astra J OPC✌?”
Hear it, vape it and repeat: Goa Gandalfs Filtered Vape Sounds 2 von Rockys Dampferecke
BLOGS: “CuBox AIO – tolle Einsteigerbox mit bekannter Krankheit”
Vapoon: “Das Dampfervideo des Monats: September”
INTERNATIONAL: “Senate Democrats propose a bill that would raise e-cig taxes” “FDA says that reducing Nicotine in cigarettes could save 8 million lives”
Planet of the Vapes: “GPs and Pharmacies”
Planet of the Vapes: “Hysteria over Drugs and Ecigs“